Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Problem with being Pretty (in the 21st century)

I tried to write a nice blog, but I guess I'm not nice, so I am starting over.

I was going to apologize for how shallow this post might come across, but .... I won't.

Being pretty can be really great, generally it helps you succeed in life.

It is also terrible, at least when it comes to girls.
The problem with being pretty is that boys are afraid of you. Really. Ask any guy who sees his dream girl, and his dream girl's sidekick who he would feel safer approaching, it probably won't be the dream girl. To approach the most beautiful girl in the room is daunting, I get that, really I do. But there was once a time when it was done. When people HAD to the room to talk to each other, when they HAD to talk on the phone all night long to get to know each other.

When you couldn't send a text and say "Heyy what's up" only to get a response of "Nothing"
When you couldn't just add someone on Facebook and let the relationship decide itself from there depending on what they have listed as their interest, who they are friends with, etc.
When you definitely couldn't send naked pictures back and forth- leaving nothing to the imagination.

The pretty girl is now hard pressed to find someone to ask her out on a date. A real date. The kind when you drive somewhere together and have awkward conversation in the car and eat at a place that looks fancier than expected and stand at the doorway wondering whether to kiss goodnight or not.

Because the boy who likes the pretty girl, the pretty girl who seems intimidating, can easily just text her and let the relationship survive on that sole communication.
I once asked a friend's ex-boyfriend for a male point of view on a problem I had.

"Okay, so if you really liked a girl and you had made plans to hang out at the end of the week but you hadn't talked in a few days, you'd call her up to confirm the plans, right?"
What!? Why not?"
"Well... I'd just text her."

And, for me, all hope was lost.

So, boys, who like the pretty girls. Please talk to them. They aren't scary, or unattainable, or even all that intimidating, but you wouldn't know that because the last time you had a conversation with a girl face to face was back in the 90s.

They want you to talk to them and they want to talk back to you. And they really want to go out on a date, even if they don't like you all that much. I promise.